Dispensation from abstinence during Lunar New Year
Dispensation is given from abstinence. The faithful should substitute these days with other forms of penance, especially works of charity and exercises of piety during this Year of Jubilee.
Prayer for Priest (P4P)
We will resume on 6 Feb, and every Thursday thereafter, 5.30pm at the Chapel.
Recruitment of Altar Servers
The Divine Mercy Altar Servers (DMAS) is inviting boys between the ages of 8 to 15 (Levels 2 to 9) to join the Altar Servers. The Altar Servers play a vital role in the Eucharistic Celebration by assisting the Priest on the altar at Holy Mass.
To register your son, please complete this online form:
For enquiries, you may contact Aaron (87666806) or Dylan (92744968).
Beauty of St John Paul II’s Theology of the Body
Join us for a 6-part session by Nicolas Pinto on an Insight to the Beauty of St John Paul II’s Theology of the Body to answer life’s most important questions and more!
(a) What does it mean to be a human person?
(b) Are we truly created in the image of God?
(c) What’s the feminine and masculine genius?
(d) What’s the purpose and meaning of life?
When Starts 27 Feb (every Thu) @ 8pm – 9.30pm
Where CDM Parish Hall
(limited to 50 pax)
Praying with Scriptures by Cenacles Sisters
Deepen your spiritual life by learning to pray with Scripture! This series will guide you through ways to nurture a richer relationship with God.
When Feb 4, 11, 18, 25 (8pm – 9.30pm)
Where Parish Hall
Fee $10
Walk-ins will not be accommodated.
Welcome Home Catholics!
Thinking about starting your journey back to the Church in 2025? It’s time to answer the call. Landings, a reconciliation ministry built
for returning Catholics, is conducting a 10-week programme at two locations:
Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour (OLPS): Tue evenings, 8pm – 10pm from 4 Mar
Cathedral of the Good Shepherd (CGS): Fri evenings, 7.30pm – 9.30pm from 7 Mar
Ends on 30th May with a weekend retreat
Week of Guided Prayer (WOGP) by Sojourners’ Companion
Deepen your prayer life this Lent and learn to pray with Scripture through one-on-one guidance.
Registration (Closes 23 Feb)
Fee $20
Taster Session LIVE @ CDM Parish Hall:
Learn Prayer Methods & Meet Personal Prayer Guide
When 2 Mar (Sun) @ 2pm – 4.30pm
Week of Guided Prayer VIRTUAL:
Meet your Prayer Guide online daily for half an hour.
When 3-7 Mar (Mon – Fri) between 9am – 10pm
Closing Session LIVE @ CDM Parish Hall
When 8 Mar (Sat) @ 2pm – 4.30pm
Call for Video Editor
Are you skilled in video editing? We’re seeking a video editor to help create impactful outreach videos for our Missionaries of Hope team!
Please contact Lisa @ 9833 9337 or email
Intercessory Prayer Session
Join us to pray for our parish missions, the Lenten retreat, and more. Sessions are held on the first and third Monday of every month.
When Starting on 20 Jan (Mon), 8pm
Where Faustina’s Room
For more information, please join our WhatsApp group at
Missionaries of Hope 2025 Community Outreach
We are collaborating with Green Oval Park Resident Network to bring our HAPPY exercise closer to the elderly around CDM.
Join us to acquire techniques to improve mental wellbeing, memory, functionality ability and strength, and exercise together with our CDM neighbours at the same time.
When Every Tuesday (from 7 Jan 2025)
Time 8am to 9am
Where MPH Block 704A (@ Green Oval Park), Pasir Ris Drive 10
It’s free and no registration is required.
For more info, contact Aloysius at 📞 9631 4782 or visit
Marriage: Relevant? Impossible?
You’re invited to a Heart-to-Heart Conversation with Cardinal William Goh, where he’ll discuss why the Church upholds its views on marriage despite modern challenges. All are welcome, whether single, married, or curious!
When Wed, 5 Feb 2025, 7:30pm – 9:30pm
Where Annex, Level 3, Cathedral of the Good Shepherd
“Through The Roof” - Parish Retreat
Come join us for a transformative 3D2N retreat, where we will spend time with our Lord and the community as well as build the dream of a missionary parish. Families are welcome!
When 29 – 31 Mar
Where St Francis Xavier Retreat Centre
Sign up
Contact 9833 9337 or
Parish Directory 2025: Errata
We would like to clarify the following in our publication:
Page 74 – The reflection is written by Desmond Chander
Page 82 – The reflection is written by Desmond Low
We sincerely apologise to the parties concerned for the error.
Page 52 – CDM Tagalog Mass should be every 3rd Sat
The updated copy of the directory can be downloaded here.
Be Alert and Vigilant
The Parish Emergency Response Team (PERT) reminds all to be ALERT and VIGILANT especially this season. If you see anyone behaving suspiciously or any belongings left unattended, please note any useful description and location and alert our Hospitality Ministry or any parish staff, or call 999 (after office hours).
Volunteers for Parish Emergency Response Team (PERT)
Come serve as emergency responders in CDM’s PERT! We are looking for parishioners who fulfil any of the following: (1) are doctors or nurses; (2) served in the Red Cross or St John’s Brigade as a paramedic; (3) have first aid or firefighting training; or (4) knowledge in silencing a false fire alarm. Volunteers will undergo training.
For more info, contact John Abraham @ 9173 8542
CFL Pro-bono Counselling
Catholic Family Life is providing pro-bono counselling services to anyone who requires support.
We encourage you to reach out if you feel the need for support during difficult times.
To make an appointment, please contact us by phone at 6631 8963 or email at
Share Your Gifts in the Floral Ministry
We invite experienced and passionate florists (or if you just love nature and being surrounded by greenery) to join our team in creating beautiful arrangements for worship services.
Contact Madeline @ 9123 9222 (preferably via Whatsapp) to learn more.
Security Announcement
For safety and security, the church gates will be closed at the following times:
– 9am on Public Holidays
– 9pm daily
Activities for Retirees and Elderly
When Every 1st Thurs from 3 – 5pm
Where St Faustina’s Room
Bingo Afternoon
When Every 3rd Thurs from 3 – 5pm
Where Canteen
Healthy Ageing Promotion Programme for You (HAPPY)
HAPPY is a physical exercise programme for senior citizens to improve their mental well-being, memory, functional ability and strength. Participants simultaneously perform cognitive and physical “dual-task” exercises.
When Every Tuesday, 8.00 am – 9.00 am
Where Church Foyer
Contact Aloysius 9631 4782
Offerings & Church Building Fund
Mass Collection
PayNow : UEN T08CC4044K
Cheque: “Church of Divine Mercy”
Church Maintenance / Sinking Fund
PayNow : UEN T08CC4044KRBF
Cheque: “Church of Divine Mercy Restricted Fund”
Social Media Updates
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Click the buttons to see upcoming events or more announcements in parish bulletin.

Archbishop William Goh Appointed to College of Cardinals
We are honoured that Archbishop William Goh is among the 21 new Cardinals appointed by Pope Francis at a Consistory on Saturday, 27 August.
Laudato Si
“Let us be the protectors of creation, protectors of God’s plan inscribed in nature, protectors of one another and of the environment.” POPE FRANCIS
Church Directory
This directory provides us with all the information about our parish and the various parish ministries and communities.
Want to know more about Jesus?
If you are new or wish to rekindle your faith, click below!
Address: 19 Pasir Ris St 72 Singapore 518771
Phone: +65 6583 3378