A Journey Through Our Church
We learn much about people from being in their homes, and we can learn about the Catholic family by seeing the place where they feel at home with the Lord and with one another. The building itself, and almost every item within it, tells us something about the people who form the Catholic Church.

Our Church
The entire structure of any building rests upon the strength of its foundation, with each part of the building supporting, and being supported by, every other part.
We consider each member of our CDM community a living stone; and the entire community “is built as an edifice of spirit,” resting firmly upon Jesus Christ, “an approved stone,” who is of “value to you who have faith” (1 Peter 2:5,6,7).

Holy Water Font
Located at the entrance of the church, the holy water font serves to remind all believers of their baptismal vows. Catholics traditionally traces the sign of the cross with the holy water before entering the sanctuary or in private, before and after prayers.

Stained Glass of Divine Mercy
A stained glass lamp of the Divine Mercy hangs at the entrance the church. It was commissioned to an Italian artist, Roberto Fasio.
Our Lord, when asked what the two rays meant said;The pale ray stands for the Water which makes souls righteous. The red ray stands for the Blood, which is the life of souls…Happy is the one who will dwell in their shelter.

The Sanctuary
The term Sanctuary indicates the sacredness of the space within, with the focus on the most important furnishing – the altar. CDM’s sanctuary has a gentle downward gradient which enables its worshippers to see the altar in its fullness.

The adoration room is next to the chapel. This is where the Blessed Sacrament is kept in an exposed monstrance/ tabernacle.
For more information on the opening hours for the adoration room, click HERE.

Our Chapel
This is similar to the main Church except it is used for weekday masses, wedding and funeral services for a much smaller crowd. Located at basement one, it has a seating capacity of 180.

The Altar
As the stone of sacrifice, the altar represents Christ, the Lamb of God, “a Lamb standing, a Lamb that had been slain” (Revelation 5:6).
The Book of Revelation depicted martyrs of the Church as being “under the altar” (6:9). Accordingly, the relic of Saint Faustina, patron saint of the Divine Mercy, has been placed under the altar on the day of the Church Dedication.

The Crown and Crucifix
An oversized crown, measuring 5m in diameter and a stark 3m figure of our Lord on the cross, hangs over the altar. One hand is still nailed to the cross and the other is stretching out, already handing the gift of His life to the world.
The vertical and horizontal bars of wood in the form of two nails appear to come from above, like a lighting bolt. The oversized crown, serves as a reminder that suffering is part of life and like Christ, believers are called to rise above the difficulties.

The Mosaic of Divine Mercy
The Mosaic of Divine Mercy, handcrafted in North Italy, is at the left side of the altar. The image reminds us of our obligations of placing our trust in Him and of loving our neighbour.
The words contained in the signature beneath the image, “Jesus I trust in You”, emphasize the attitude of trust. The image, as Jesus related, is to be a reminder of the demands of My mercy, because even the strongest faith is of no avail without works.
The 12 Crosses
The walls of the church are also anointed with 12 crosses, the symbol of the 12 “thrones” of the Apostles that form the pillars upholding the New Church, the Body of Christ

The 8 Stained Glass
The eight stained glass windows which line the main sanctuary depict the seven sacraments and the Risen Christ. They were also commissioned to Roberto Fasio.