Altar Servers

The Ministry of Altar Servers is an essential ministry which serves God and His people during liturgical celebrations. We assist the priest in the celebration of the holy mass on weekdays and weekends as well as at weddings, funerals and baptisms.
We wear cassocks and capes with matching sashes, the colour of which varies with the liturgical seasons. Each altar server has a different role during the mass, which he performs with reverence. He is also trained so he is prepared and remembers every function or role he plays. The altar server occupies a privileged place in the liturgical celebration as he experiences first-hand that Jesus Christ is present and active in every part of the mass.
‘Off-duty’, we have our share of fun at camps, meetings, gatherings and other social activities.
If you have the calling to serve at the Eucharistic table, please contact Reuben (98232240) or Samuel (88172707).
Office Bearers
President – Reuben Louis
Vice-Presidents – Samuel Kevin & Dylan Lim
Secretary – Paul Aldana
Training ICs & Quartermasters – John Matthew & Xander Seng
Samuel Kevin
Front Row (L to R): John Matthew, Paul Aldana, Xander Seng

Commissioning of Altar Servers
Congratulations to the new Altar Server that were recently commissioned on the 7th of January 2023
Address: 19 Pasir Ris St 72 Singapore 518771
Phone: +65 6583 3378