8 Sep, Sun | 10.30am – 12.30pm
Join this action oriented workshop on how the cry of earth and the cry of the poor are closely linked, and how our seemingly small effort can have a positive impact to protect our common home.
Venue: Parish Hall
When: 8 Sep, Sun | 10:30AM – 12:30PM
Contact: Jaime @ 9747 5541

15 Sep, Sun | 10.15am – 11.15am | 3pm – 4pm
Join us for a delightful Rosary making workshop – discover the art of crafting your own beautiful, spiritual keepsake!
Venue: Parish Hall
When: 15 Sep, Sun | 10:15AM – 11:15AM | 3PM – 4PM
Contact: Zachary @ 8368 5787

22 Sep, Sun | 10.30am – 12pm
Delve into the hidden world of the insects that live around and with us with James Khoo. Discover their unique functions and the important roles they play in sustaining the earth. Find out the purpose God created them and learn how we may co-exist and care for them (yes there will be live specimens!).
Venue: Parish Hall
When: 22 Sep Sun, 10:30AM – 12PM
Contact: Tricia @ 9658 4895

28 Sep, Sat | 2.30pm – 5pm
29 Sep, Sun | 10.30am- 1pm
Create stunning, eco-friendly Christmas decor with Catholic contemporare artist Anna – upcycle with a purpose for this holiday season!
Venue: 28 Sep, Sat, John Paul Hall (Level 3M) | 29 Set, Sun, Paish Hall
Time: 28 Sep, Sat, 2:30PM – 5PM | 29 Set, Sun, 10:30AM – 1PM

1 Sep to 4 Oct
Season of Creation 2024
Listen to the cracks of the earth.
Repair our broken relationships with Earth.
The firstfruits of hope.
The earth is our sister and mother
God grants man “dominion” over the earth; implying a relationship of mutual responsibility between human beings and nature. Man is given the duty to protect the earth and to ensure its fruitfulness for coming generations. “The earth is the Lord’s” (Ps 24:1); to Him belongs “the earth with all that is within it” (Dt 10:14).
“Everyone’s talents and involvement are needed”
Pope Francis
Take concrete actions in the care of our common home. Join the Laudato Si´Action Platform in the journey towards total sustainability in the spirit of integral ecology.
Pope Francis wrote an “encyclical letter” called LAUDATO SI, MI’ SIGNORE – “Praise be to you, my Lord”. It encourages us to see how “everything is connected.” The way we treat the Earth, our common home, is a reflection of how we treat each other. Caring for each other means caring for the home we share.
The Letter
The Letter, tells the story of a journey to Rome of frontline leaders to discuss the encyclical letter Laudato Si’ with Pope Francis. The exclusive dialogue with the Pope, included in the film, offers a revealing insight into the personal history of Pope Francis and stories never seen since he became the Bishop of Rome.
Climate Change
The destruction that Man is rendering to the environment and each other…
“Everything is connected. Concern for the environment thus needs to be joined to a sincere love for our fellow human beings and an unwavering commitment to resolving the problems of society.”
“The Earth, our Home, is beginning to look more and more like an immense pile of filth.”
Pope Francis
As individuals, you can adopt sustainable lifestyles to consume less energy and resources. The list below are some practical lifestyle changes that you may want to consider. They are definitely not exhaustive. What are some of the better ways you can think of to help protect our Common home for our future generations? When we slow down the pace of resource depletion to let Earth heal, we are actually saving ourselves.

Active Mobility
The Adoption of Sustainable Lifestyles is grounded in the idea of sufficiency, and promoting sobriety in the use of resources and energy. Adopt sustainable lifestyles like greater use of public transport, walk or cycle more…

Conserve Energy
Reduce the use of airconditioners especially when the weather is cold. Use natural ventilation or fan instead. Turn off water heaters when weather is hot.

Live Simply
Buy less and reduce waste or recycle by living simply. Direct excess resources to those who needs it more. Give alms.

Avoid Single-Use Items
When ordering takeaway food for consumption at home, opt out of single-use disposables e.g. spoon / fork / chopsticks. Minimise usage of styroform and plastic containers.

Use Water Mindfully
Reduce the number of baths if necessary. Use washing machine with full load. Avoid water wastage by fixing leaks. Refrain from dumping paints / chemicals / rubbish into the public drains meant for rain water collection.
The creation accounts in the book of Genesis suggest that human life is grounded in three fundamental and closely intertwined relationships: with God, with our neighbour and with the earth itself.

Prophet Amos cries out: “But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” (Amos 5: 24) and so we are called to join the river of justice and peace, to take up climate and ecological justice, and to speak out with and for communities most impacted by climate injustice and the loss of biodiversity.
Andrew Khng
T | 9617 1900
For more information, email Zachary at
Address: 19 Pasir Ris St 72 Singapore 518771
Phone: +65 6583 3378