Caption: Jalan Loyang Besar NCC
What to Expect next weekend?
- NCC Video: Before every Mass, a video featuring the transformation in our Parish through NCCs will be displayed in the Church.
- NCC Testimonies: One or two members of NCCs will share their testimonies at the end of the announcements.
- NCC Booth: There will be a NCC Booth in the foyer where NCC members share their experiences with parishioners.
- NCC Bookmark: All parishioners will be given a NCC Bookmark with a QR code which they can scan and find out more details
- NCC Canteen: NCCs will run the canteen next weekend. Home-cooked delicacies prepared by our NCC members will tickle your taste-buds.
- NCC Activities: Various NCCs will showcase their community activities and sing uplifting songs.
- NCC Membership Drive: Parishioners can find their nearest NCC and interact with the NCC members.
- NCC Opportunities to Lead: Parishioners inspired to launch a new NCC in their neighbourhood can register their interest and get all-round support from CDM-NCCs.
“Being part of an NCC has given us the opportunity to foster new friendships and strengthen existing ones with fellow Catholics. Our NCC community makes us feel a strong sense of belonging which is centered on our common faith and the Word of God.”