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On 16 March 2019, 42 Catechumens and Candidates celebrated the Rite of Election at St. Joseph’s Church. Together with 1021 catechumens from the parishes of the North, East and Serangoon districts, they signed the Book of Elects and presented it to
Archbishop William Goh. Now called Elects, they move into the final phase of spiritual growth in the Catholic faith.
Archbishop was candid in his homily, calling on all catechumens to pray the word of God daily and to evangelise as they continue to grow in faith after baptism. Ruth, godparent to Angeline, a new Elect, was so moved by the whole event: “ROE at St. Joseph’s Church was awesome, with the chanting of the litany of saints at the start of the rite, I felt so blessed to be part of it. Thanks be to God for such a memorable day.”
As one body of Christ, let us keep our Elects and Candidates in our prayers.