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(TEST_Page)About Us

The Neighbourhood Christian Community (NCC) is a small group of Catholics living in the same neighbourhood, coming together as a community to live and share our faith with one another through prayer, worship, service, fellowship and mission.

The importance and characteristics of NCCs are emphasized by the late Pope John Paul II as follows:

  • They should be places engaged in evangelizing themselves, so that subsequently they can bring the Good News to others;
  • They should be communities which pray and listen to God’s Word, encourage the members themselves to take on responsibility, learn to live an ecclesial life, and reflect on different human problems in the light of the Gospel.
  • These communities are to be committed to living Christ’s love for everybody, a love which transcends the limits of the natural solidarity of clans, tribes or other interest groups.

Location & Venue

Upcoming NCCs 

Contact the zone reps to register your interest. To find out more about NCCs closer to your home, email ncc@divinemercy.sg or contact Nicholas @9487 4496. For new parishioners, please register your home at our parish office or email secretariat@divinemercy.sg.


Our Neighbourhood Christian Communities


“How pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.”

PSALMS 133:1

Our Vision

To visit the homebound and bring Holy Communion to them.

To pray for the sick, in particular the Divine Mercy prayer for the sick and the dying.

To come together as support groups at wakes and/or conduct prayers during the wake.

To be an extension for the St Vincent de Paul to reach out to those who have financial difficulties etc.

Contact Us


T | 94874496

E |  ncc@divinemercy.sg

Faith Sharing

If you have a faith story to share, we’d love to hear from you. Send your article (est. 250 words) to ncc@divinemercy.sg with your name and contact.

Interested to find out more/join a NCC?

Click here or scan the QR code below Or find us at CDM on 9 and 10 Sep 2023! Click on the poster for more info!

Address: 19 Pasir Ris St 72 Singapore 518771
Phone: +65 6583 3378