Caption: Green Court NCC in a new housing area is growing by the week
Neighbourhood Christian Community (NCC) is our extended family. The young and the old, the sick and the healthy, the strong and the weak are all part of this extended family. You belong to this family!
NCC is Fun, Food, Fellowship and Friendship. Occasionally, NCCs also organise nature walks, barbeque parties, picnics and games!
Sometimes in life, when our faith is too weak, we need to depend upon the faith of others. Community is our support group when our faith is shaky. That is why we need a community. Man is a social being. We are all connected to one another as members of the community. Community can help us to be the best version of ourselves.
Everyone belongs to an NCC. Our NCCs are very welcoming and will be glad to include you! You will enjoy life-long friendships and have memorable experiences. We invite you to join your nearest NCC and make Church of Divine Mercy a role-model in building communities.
“Come and belong.”