Beauty of St John Paul II’s Theology of the Body
Join us for a 6-part session by Nicolas Pinto on an Insight to the Beauty of St John Paul II’s Theology of the Body to answer life’s most important questions and more!
(a) What does it mean to be a human person?
(b) Are we truly created in the image of God?
(c) What’s the feminine and masculine genius?
(d) What’s the purpose and meaning of life?
When Starts 27 Feb (every Thu) 6 sessions (ie 27 Feb, 6 Mar, 13 Mar, 27 Mar, 3 Apr & 10 Apr)
Time 8pm – 9.30pm
Where CDM Parish Hall
Register forms.gle/AvyzReYTqfCMwhWLA
(limited to 50 pax)